Growth Mindset for Homeschoolers with Jenny Mouse

Jenny Misner studied in a Child and Youth program that focused on developmental psychology.

During Jenny’s first psychology class she discovered tricks to help improve the way she learned. She quickly fell in love with psychology, and she wondered what would have happened if she had learned these lessons as a child.

Jenny is now the mom of two wonderful kids ages 2 and 4. She is an online educator and has published two science books for kids to understand their brains.

She wants to spread the message that kids can control their own futures through a growth mindset. By teaching them about the brain she hopes to help them understand that learning has no limits.

depressed woman sitting by the window: choose a growth mindset for homeschoolers

Try to infuse your homeschool day with a growth mindset.

Jenny Mouse, author of the Brian the Brain series

Jenny & I discuss growth mindset for homeschoolers:

  • Choosing a growth mindset for homeschoolers.
  • Recognizing that old brains can change as our brains can still change and create new pathways.
  • Brian the Brain storybooks for kids (& parents).
  • Different parts of the brain and why we should understand them.
  • Discussing the potential to reroute our neural pathways so we can change how we show up in your homeschools.
  • Dealing with expectations and how you perceive them.
  • And in response to this conversation, I’ve decided on my Fixed Mindset alter-ego. Her name is Teshi, an African name, which means “Cheerful, Full of Laughter” because usually our fixed mindset alter-egos notions, thoughts, and natural tendencies compel us to laugh. They’re outrageous, unhelp, and when we get healthier, moving toward a growth mindset, we are likely to laugh at them.

Jenny encourages homeschool parents:

  • Use a growth mindset statement like: “I can’t do that yet”, not “I can’t do that.”
  • Do a self-assessment to determine if you’re engaging in a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.
  • Give your fixed mindset persona a name & recognize she’s not you.
  • Use “I feel… right now” statements, rather than declaring you ARE that feeling.
  • Model what you want your kids to do in a moment of anger.

You can find Jenny & her books at:

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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